
November 2016


Davis JK, Baker LB, Barnes K, Ungaro C, Stofan J.

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Optimizing microbiota profiles for athletes

Mancin L, Rollo I, Mota JF, Piccini F, Carletti M, Susto GA, Valle G, Paoli A

Open Access

Topics: Sports Nutrition

January 2021

Skin-interfaced microfluidic system with personalized sweating rate and sweat chloride analytics for sports science applications

Baker LB, Model JB, Barnes KA, Anderson ML, Lee SP, Lee KA, Brown SD, Reimel AJ, Roberts TJ, Nuccio RP, Bonsignore JL, Ungaro CT, Carter JM, Li W, Seib MS, Reeder JT, Aranyosi AJ, Rogers JA, Ghaffari R

Open Access

Topics: Hydration & Thermoregulation

December 2020

Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Effects of Carbohydrate Ingestion During Exercise

Rollo I, Gonzalez JT, Fuchs CJ, van Loon LJC, Williams C.

Topics: Sports Nutrition, Carbohydrate

September 2020

Optimisation and Validation of a Nutritional Intervention to Enhance Sleep Quality and Quantity

Halson SL, Shaw G, Versey N, Miller DJ, Sargent C, Roach GD, Nyman L, Carter JM, Baar K

Open Access

Topics: Athlete Health

August 2020

Role of sports psychology and sports nutrition in return to play from musculoskeletal injuries in professional soccer: an interdisciplinary approach

Rollo I, Carter JM, Close GL, Yanguas J, Gomez-Diaz A, Medina Leal D, Duda JL, Holohan D, Erith SJ, Podlog L

Open Access

Topics: Athlete Health, Sports Nutrition

July 2020

The prevalence of disordered eating in elite male and female soccer players

Abbott W, Brett A, Brownlee TE, Hammond KM, Harper LD, Naughton RJ, Anderson L, Munson EH, Sharkey JV, Randell RK, Clifford T

Open Access

Topics: Athlete Health

February 2020

Fat oxidation rates in professional soccer players

Randell RK, Carter JM, Jeukendrup AE, Lizarraga MA, Yanguas JI, Rollo I

Open Access


August 2019

Practical hydration solutions for sports

Belval LN, Hosokawa Y, Casa DJ, Adams WM, Armstrong LE, Baker LB, Burke L, Cheuvront S, Chiampas G, González-Alonso J

Open Access

Topics: Hydration & Thermoregulation

July 2019

Normative data for sweating rate, sweat sodium concentration, and sweat sodium loss in athletes: An update and analysis by sport

Barnes KA, Anderson ML, Stofan JR, Dalrymple KJ, Reimel AJ, Roberts TJ, Randell RK, Ungaro CT, Baker LB.

Open Access

Topics: Hydration & Thermoregulation

June 2019


All work featured here is funded and/or conducted by GSSI.

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