Sports Science Exchange

SSE #151: Effets de l'exercice sur la fonction immunitaire

Michael Gleeson

SSE #149: Alimentation et neurogenèse

Romain Meeusen

SSE #135: Surveillance de la fatigue et récupération

Shona L. Halson

SSE #116: Intervention en nutrition pour améliorer le sommeil

Shona L. Halson

Impact of vitamin D supplementation during a resistance training intervention on body composition, muscle function, and glucose tolerance in overweight and obese adults.

Carrillo AE, Flynn MG, Pinkston C, Markofski MM, Jiang Y, Donkin SS, Teegarden D.

SSE #114: Recommandations nutritionnelles pour éviter les malaises gastro-intestinaux pendant l'exercice

Erick Prado de Oliveria

SSE #112: Exercice, nutrition et cerveau

Romain Meeusen, PhD

Effect of aspirin dose on gastrointestinal permeability.

Lambert GP, Schmidt A, Schwarzkopf K, Lanspa S.

Benefits of oat beta-glucan on respiratory infection following exercise stress: role of lung macrophages.

Murphy EA, Davis JM, Brown AS, Carmichael MD, Carson JA, Van Rooijen N, Ghaffar A, Mayer EP.

The effects of training in hyperoxia vs normoxia on skeletal muscle enzyme activities and exercise performance.

Perry CG, Talanian JL, Heigenhauser GJ, Spriet LL.

Carbohydrate effect: hormone and oxidative changes.

McAnulty S, McAnulty L, Nieman D, Morrow J, Dumke C, Utter A.

Ibuprofen use during extreme exercise: effects on oxidative stress and PGE2.

McAnulty SR, Owens JT, McAnulty LS, Nieman DC, Morrow JD, Dumke CL, Milne GL.

Two weeks of high-intensity aerobic interval training increases the capacity for fat oxidation during exercise in women.

Talanian JL, Galloway SD, Heigenhauser GJ, Bonen A, Spriet LL.

Oat B-glucan effects on neutrophil respiratory burst activity following exercise.

Murphy EA, Davis JM, Brown AS, Carmichael MD, Ghaffar A, Mayer EP.

Divergent response of metabolite transport proteins in human skeletal muscle after sprint interval training and detraining.

Burgomaster KA, Cermak NM, Phillips SM, Benton CR, Bonen A, Gibala MJ.

SSE #95: Écroulement chez l'athlète d'endurance

Robert Sallis, MD, FACSM

SSE no 89 Combattre l'épidémie d'obésité juvénile par l'activité physique

Oded Bar-Or, M.D.

Oral rehydration for viral gastroenteritis in adults: a randomized, controlled trial of 3 solutions.

Rao SS, Summers RW, Rao GR, Ramana S, Devi U, Zimmerman B, Pratap BC.

SSE #85: L'exercice, les antioxydants et la cardioprotection

Scott K. Powers, Ph.D., Ed.D.

SSE #82: Optimiser la santé des os : les effets de l'alimentation, de l'exercice et des hormones

Susan A. Bloomfield, Ph.D.