
The links in this section will take you to podcasts on which the GSSI team has appeared as guests.


Nutrition Strategies to Optimize Recovery

All Me Podcast/Taylor Hooten Foundation

Athletes are always looking for a competitive advantage when it comes to their performance. Whether trying to reduce muscle soreness, refuel your gas tank, or help your muscles repair and rebuild after an intense lifting session, just making small improvements in these areas can make the next training session a little easier. Are there specific nutritional strategies we can take to speed the recovery process? What would happen if we could consume specific nutrients to improve day to day performance and recovery? In this podcast, I’ll speak with Gatorade Sports Scientist and Sports Dietitian Kevin Luhrs to discuss what you can do to speed the recovery process from training.

Kevin Luhrs MS, RD, CSCS

January 2021

Topics: Sports Nutrition, Recovery, Protein

How to Stop Losing Muscle While Aging?

All Me Podcast/Taylor Hooten Foundation

Sarcopenia is the loss of muscle tissue as a natural part of the aging process. Did you know that after age 50, muscle mass decreases at an annual rate of 1-2% and muscle strength declines by 1.5% between ages 50-60? It is estimated that 5-13% of people 60-70 years of age are affected by sarcopenia with those numbers increasing to up to 50% for those aged 80. But, is there a way that we can slow this process down or even prevent from happening? In this podcast, we speak with Dr. Sara Oikawa, from the Gatorade Sports Science Institute about strategies to minimize muscle loss as we age. We’ll discuss the impact of exercise and exercise type, dietary factors and the importance of protein, are there any dietary supplements that could play a role.

Sara Oikawa PhD

November 2022

Topics: Protein, Athlete Health

Nutrient Timing

All Me Podcast/Taylor Hooten Foundation

Have you ever wondered if when you eat a particular type of food on whether it can impact your performance? For example, should you eat right before workout or does consuming carbohydrates and/or protein after workout improve strength and recovery. What if you are running a marathon as should you consume something during a 3-5-hour event?

In this podcast, we speak with Gatorade Scientist and Sports Dietitian Lisa Heaton on the timing of macronutrients and how they impact performance, recovery, and endurance. Lisa explains the role of carbohydrates and protein, pre, during, and post exercise as well as how much we need to maximize performance. We also discuss the role of carbohydrate and protein type and how they influence the outcome. 

Lisa Heaton MS, RD, CSSD, LDN

December 2023

Topics: Sports Nutrition, Protein, Carbohydrate